Invited Speakers

WIF and UA are delighted to welcome the following writers:

Anny-Dominique Curtius

Anny-Dominique Curtius

Anny-Dominique Curtius is Professor of Francophone Studies in the Department of French and Italian at the University of Iowa where she also serves as Director of Graduate Studies. Her interdisciplinary work interweaves cultural theory and cinematic, visual, and performing arts of the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, and Sub-Saharan Africa; post/de/colonial museum studies; tidalectical ecocriticism; the defacement and toppling of the iconography of slavery in the public space. Her latest work is Suzanne Césaire. Archéologie littéraire et artistique d’une mémoire empêchée (2020), the first book to analyze Suzanne Césaire’s seminal work. She is also the author of Symbioses d’une mémoire:Manifestations religieuses et littératures de la Caraïbe (2006) and numerous articles and book chapters in leading edited volumes and journals including “Tropiques à Fort-de-France” Colonisations. Notre histoire, ed. Pierre Singaravélou & al, Seuil, (2023) ; “La nudité fissurée de Zabou dans Timbuktu d’Abderrahmane Sissako” Nouvelles Études Francophones, (2021). She has three works in progress including a single-authored book that examines the entangled narrativization of slavery in politically charged memorials, performativities, visual arts and in the post-museum, and two co-edited volumes Francophonies of the Early Modern, and Women, Theory, Praxis, and Performativities: Transoceanic Entanglements.

Meryem Aloui

Meryem Alaoui

Meryem Aloui est a writer with a background in the social sciences. She is the author of two successful novels published by Gallimard: Straight from the Horses mouth: A Novel, and Sweet Chaos. She has been nominated for numerous literary prizes, including the Prix Goncourt in 2018. Her writing sensitively explores the human condition, providing an intimate gaze and unique perspective on the realities of contemporary societies.

Meryem Alaoui est écrivaine, diplômée en sciences sociales. Publiée chez Gallimard, elle est l’auteure de deux romans à succès: “La vérité sort de la bouche du cheval” et “Sweet Chaos”. Elle a été nominée à de nombreux prix littéraires dont le Prix Goncourt 2018. Son écriture explore avec sensibilité les complexités de la condition humaine, offrant un regard intimiste ainsi qu’une perspective unique sur les réalités de la société contemporaine.

Daisy Letourneur

Daisy Letourneur

French author and feminist, trans and lesbian activist, Daisy Letourneur’s radical and humorous essay on masculinities On ne nait pas Mec (“One is not born a guy”) has been published in France in 2022 and translated in German and Italian. In 2023 she also wrote a chapter in the essay “Masculinités” directed by Arthur Vuattoux, Meoïn Hagège & Haude Rivoal.